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Trusted house sitters provide loving in-home pet care

  • Premium insurance and 24/7 customer support included
  • House security offers peace of mind
  • Home, garden and mailbox are also cared for
  • Pets are happy to stay in their own home

Our house sitting services means that a pet sitter stays at your house and takes care of your pet(s) while you are away. There are many reasons why you may need a house sitter. Most often, you will need somebody to care for your pets while you are travelling, whether it’s a business trip, an extended family visit or a relaxed holiday. 

You might also need a pet sitter while you are staying at the hospital, or have to be away for any other reason. 

Whatever the reason, you can count on your Petmansions pet and house sitter! The more, the merrier: House sitting is a good solution for pet owners who have lots of pets, so it might be impractical to board them all and insufficient to have them visited only once or twice a day. It also works for pets who are too stressed by the change of environment that boarding entails, but suffer from separation distress, so they can't be left alone between visits either.

 So how does house sitting work? 

  • Free Meet & Greet: The first step is to search for a house sitter in your area who suits your needs and is available. Contact them and arrange a Meet & Greet so you can get to know each other and see whether you are a good match. 
  • Pay throughPetmansions: If you all get along well, book and pay safely via our platform.  
  • Top house sitting tips: Besides caring for pets, house sitting usually includes tasks like watering plants, emptying the letter box and restocking the fridge with a few food items before the owners gets back. Be sure to make precise agreements on what is expected of the house sitter and whether any part of the house is out of bounds for them. Know what your house and pets are up to: While you are away, the pet sitter will send you text or photo updates via the Petmansions website or app. That way, you never need to worry about them.

Why House Sitting via Pet Mansion?

Trusted, vetted and insured: On Pet Mansion you can find trusted and vetted dog sitters in your area. Your dog is covered by our Premium Pet Protection insurance during the entire stay. 

No need to feel bad: A dedicated pet sitter can be a great alternative to a friend or relative watching the dog, since many dog owners are embarrassed about asking them to do it.



Hundreds of petlovers offering their service.



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Your pet enjoys a stay in a pet loving family.

The Petmansion guarantee

  • Local Sitters
  • Insurance Included
  • Insurance Included

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